
Rising temperatures and increased frequency of extreme weather events is changing the distribution of species on Queensland's tropical islands. Help researchers understand how a changing climate is impacting the wildlife that inhabit them. On this expedition, you will hike with researchers across the rugged island to better understand how climate change is impacting the landscape. You will document the nature of these changes by undertaking surveys of plant species, observing koalas and wallabies, bird watching and recording small reptiles and invertebrates.

Contact details

Email Enquiries: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone Enquiries: 9016 7590
Booking URL:
URL Enquiries:

Tags: St Bees Island

2017-07-11 22:00:00
2017-07-19 22:00:00

#visitmackay #ourisaac